Wednesday, January 10, 2024

a new years resolution mechanic

 A challenge has been issued 

 Russian roulette

a Nagant M1895 revolver

at the start of session each player has 6 opaque cups put in front of them turned upside down one has a bullet underneath put there by the Gm. (the players do not know where the bullets are)

When a player dose something risky they must take one of the cups and reveal whats under it. if it is a empty cup the succeed! if its the bullet they fail. All six cups are put back and once again only one has a bullet underneath it.

the Gm may require them to take more than one cup for especially risky tasks.

how ever before revealing a cup a player may decide to put all their cups back but add a extra bullet. (effectively adding bullet and re spinning the barrel).

when a shoot out between players occurs each player takes turns revealing cups the first player to reveal a bullet dies


design notes

I think this would work well in a heist or crime setting. the types of story's you get from games like Greed or Fiasco since every time a risk works out your next risk is more likely to fail so you will eventually get your comeuppance. Though I have not tested it at all.

You could probably done the same thing with cards and it would be easier to shuffle but I have some fun little fake plastic bullets so I used that instead.

this feels like a pretty simple concept so I would not be surprised if someone else has already done it. let me know!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

the begining of somthing

 along time ago (almost a over a year!) now I ran a open table game of Martin O's gold soul mine it was my first proper dungeon crawl id ran and it was very successful for the standard of my games my players drew maps some of them quite good imo:

and some done more roughly

other players took really good notes! both behaviors I wanted to encourage in this style of game

over all I found it extremely fun and one of the most engaging games Ive ran! unfortunately I encountered flaws the two big ones being:

the dungeon was too small to continue and I dint feel like just moving the group on to a new one since they had been building up infrastructure to make getting to the dungeon easier and I am quite picky when it comes to what dungeons I like

the second being the rules system I use while very good lacked much of what I came to want from a system for this style of play (5 torches deep which I used mainly because it would be fa miler to pretty much everyone who sat down as I assumed they would all be ex 5e players. )
- it was not easy to pick up as I would have liked
- because of the vestigial 5e elements many rules are not explained and had to be hand waved or home ruled in a way that wasn't just "ruling not rules" but "I don't understand how my charter works its unclear"
- finally many ability just where massively under or over powered due to the limited style of game (dungeon delving)

so to rectify these issues I have began a task many others have attempt before me

I will build a system I like (with elements stolen from all over the place). with rules that are fun and lead to interesting decisions. and a few mega-dungeon levels + local area to actual play in (which will probably contain more original content than the system)